• January 2006
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Mick took E to the Dr’s yesterday and it is asthma so she is now on a preventer inhaler twice a day. Apparently we are in one of the worst places in the country for asthma as all the polluted air from surrounding cities just sits in the Thames Valley – nice. Good news is she’s not anemic. The Dr thinks her tiredness was probably due to the lack of oxygenated blood in her system.
Right, back to bed for me. I have a fluey cold and feel yuck.

Oh and still waiting for my books to arrive. So we are being held up on the MP Reading Year list – annoying.

Mick took E to the Dr’s yesterday and it is asthma so she is now on a preventer inhaler twice a day. Apparently we are in one of the worst places in the country for asthma as all the polluted air from surrounding cities just sits in the Thames Valley – nice. Good news is she’s not anemic. The Dr thinks her tiredness was probably due to the lack of oxygenated blood in her system.
Right, back to bed for me. I have a fluey cold and feel yuck.

Oh and still waiting for my books to arrive. So we are being held up on the MP Reading Year list – annoying.